22 Aug 2024
©#9 Shadows & Atoms
Shadows & Atoms is a workshp Series by Ra & Ra (myself and my co-instructor, Raouf Alaïa). I approached them in the beginning of May or June to ask if they wanted to join forces and explore how their writing workshops “Atoms & Words” could be blended into the shadow puppetry lessons. In asking “what kind of pedogogical ecosystem do I want to shape within a workshop series”, I thought bringing in different artists and incorporating their practice and research can enhance shadow puppetry storytelling in infinite ways. Together with art teachers at the De Hillevliet, we hosted a Wayang puppet workshop where we tried out paper puppets and paper-making puppets, mostly. The workshops challenged us in framing loose lessons where people could walk-in and walk-out. This was our first time working with young children. The art teachers kept telling us, “Just make sure its quick and easy, they’re attention goes everywhere!”. This was especially difficult as we planned to incorporate some mindful experiential practices from Ra’s workshop so we didn’t know what expect.
All photos were taken via Iphone
©Ratri Notosudirdjo